Orders must be placed by Sundays at 3PM for the Upcoming Week's Pick-up or Delivery.

Beyond Brunch — How Farm to Table Businesses Protect Your Community’s Food Systems

Santa Fe’s Squash Blossom founder details how creative food distribution can simultaneously innovate and protect local farm traditions and food systems, even during a global crisis.

"With the rise of the local food movement, many of us are eager to eat at our communities’ farm to table restaurants, but we usually don’t think about the “to” in that description. We take for granted the complicated logistical process of relocating the food coming out of the field to a grocery store shelf or restaurant menu so it can eventually arrive at its final destination: your plate. The distinct and equally important aspects of healthy agriculture and eating — the growing and harvesting, transporting and packaging, and finally prepping and plating — remain a mystery for most of us.."

A farmer holds squash blossoms while standing amongst their crops

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